Windham’s Multi-Horizon Portfolios rely on pioneering technology to manage risks that arise suddenly as well as those that emerge slowly over many years.
Windham's Multi-Horizon Portfolios rely on pioneering technology to manage risks that arise suddenly as well as those that emerge slowly over many years
Built to protect your assets from
pandemics and climate change.
Invest responsibly with
dynamic risk control.
Liquid Private
Equity Portfolio
Windham's Liquid Private Equity portfolio uses the State Street Private Equity Index to construct a portfolio
of liquid assets based on the sector exposures of private equity funds.
Windham's Liquid Private Equity portfolio uses the State Street Private Equity Index to construct a portfolio of liquid assets that seeks to match the sector exposures of private equity funds.
Seeks to match the sector exposures
of private equity funds
while preserving liquidity.
Invest in portfolio solutions that
meet your unique needs.
Windham's Tactical Portfolios adjust exposure to growth and defensive
assets based on proprietary signals of
risk concentration and threatening
market conditions.
Participate in global return opportunities
with dynamic risk control.
Windham's Tactical Portfolios adjust exposure to growth and defensive assets based on proprietary signals of risk concentration and threatening market conditions.
Strategic Portfolios
Windham's Strategic Portfolios offer a stable risk profile by investing efficiently in a wide range of global assets.
Built to achieve efficient diversification
for your core portfolio.
Windham’s Strategic Portfolios offer a stable risk profile by investing efficiently in a wide range of global assets.
Strategic Portfolios
Risk Premia
Windham's Risk Premia strategies seeks to capture the systematic sources of return associated with global risk factors while preserving market neutrality.
Windham's Risk Premia strategies seeks to capture the systematic sources of return associated with global risk factors while preserving market neutrality.
Built to capture systematic sources
of return from global risk factors.
Customized Strategies
Windham offers specialized portfolio solutions to address client-specific factors such as embedded risk exposures, individual investment
goals, and distinct risk preferences.
Windham offers specialized portfolio solutions to address client-specific factors such as embedded risk exposures, individual investment goals, and distinct risk preferences.
Invest in portfolio solutions
that meet your unique needs.
Customized Strategies
Invest responsibly with
dynamic risk control.
Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.
Important information about Windham's investment advisory fees and other information is described in Windham's Form ADV.